We need to modify this to stop sharepoint encoding the HTML. This method has zero performance impact and only takes a few minutes.
To do this the first step is to open \Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\TEMPLATE\XML\FLDTYPES.XML
There are a couple of ways to change FLDTYPES.XML that will stop it encoding HTML; the one I've chosen is to look for a hidden tag in the value returned by a calculated field.
You can change any field type, but I need to change the calculated field type as I need to use conditional formating based on a formula.
- Locate <FieldName="TypeName">Calculated</Field> in FLDTYPES.XML.
- Move down to the <RenderPattern Name="DisplayPattern"> node.
- Find the <Default> node.
- Add your logic between the <Default> and </Default> nodes.
You can use various functions and properties to enable your logic, please see http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms439798.aspx for a list. In my case I just needed an If Else as I didn't want to impact on existing calculated fields, so I opted for the <IfSubString> function, as follows:
<Else><Column HTMLEncode="TRUE" AutoHyperLink="TRUE" AutoNewLine="TRUE"/></Else>
The above basically means if the data in the column contains <.RP> then just render the contents. Otherwise do the MOSS default.
You could of course complicate the above and use a switch with <GetFileExtension> like:
<Case Value="RP>">
<Column HTMLEncode="TRUE" AutoHyperLink="TRUE" AutoNewLine="TRUE"/>
The above has the benfit of allowing different logic for different scenarios.
The final step is to create a calculated field that returns <.RP>. Any record with this tag will enable the logic, and since <.RP> is an unknown tag browsers won't render it.
Using <GetFileExtension> you need to make sure your <.RP> is at the end.
The calculated field formula will look something like:
=IF([Active],"<.RP><b style='color:0000ff'>","<.RP><b style='color:ff0000'>") & [Title] &" "& [Column1] &" "& [Column2] &"</b>"
Look here for formulas http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb862071.aspx
Now just create a view with just your calculated field and you have a list highlighting active records (with limited sorting)... but you could always just create a calculated field for each.
OK now you've probably realized your filtering has HTML... the fix for that is to disable filtering if the column has your tag... create a variable (<SetVar Scope="Request">) in your logic and set it, then check if it's been set outside <RenderPattern> set <Field Name="Filterable">FALSE</Field>. I haven't figured out how to render the heading as it displays without using Javascript... I could write this up one days. Notes: CAML is case sensative, and you'll need to restart IIS for any change to FLDTYPES.XML.