To set properties for the Document Set, and simple modification would be to include a key pair Hash table, the function declares an empty one ($dsProps)
Example would be:
[hashtable] $dsProps = @{"Key" = "Value";"Key" = "Value";}
The function:
function createDocumentSets([string]$SiteUrl, [string]$LibraryName, [string]$CTName, [string]$dsName)
[Microsoft.SharePoint.SPWeb]$oWeb = Get-SPWeb $SiteUrl
[Microsoft.SharePoint.SPList]$oLibrary = $oWeb.Lists[$LibraryName]
if($oLibrary.Title -eq $LibraryName)
[Microsoft.SharePoint.SPContentType]$oCT = $oLibrary.ContentTypes[$CTName]
if($oCT.Name -eq $CTName)
[Hashtable]$dsProps = @{}
[Microsoft.Office.DocumentManagement.DocumentSets.DocumentSet]$newDs =
Write-Host "`tCreating '$dsName' ($CTName) in Library '$LibraryName' @ '$SiteUrl'" } else { Write-Host "[ERROR] Getting Content Type '$CTName' on Library '$LibraryName' @ '$SiteUrl'" } } else { Write-Host "[ERROR] Getting Library '$LibraryName' @ '$SiteUrl'" } $oWeb.Dispose() }
Write-Host "`tCreating '$dsName' ($CTName) in Library '$LibraryName' @ '$SiteUrl'" } else { Write-Host "[ERROR] Getting Content Type '$CTName' on Library '$LibraryName' @ '$SiteUrl'" } } else { Write-Host "[ERROR] Getting Library '$LibraryName' @ '$SiteUrl'" } $oWeb.Dispose() }
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