Very useful if you're updating taxonomy fields.
Takes 3 inputs; the Site URL, the Taxonomy field object and the Term string.
The function gets a reference to the site's term store and then executes the GetTerm method, (more info here: TermSet.GetTerms) and finally return a Term object.
function GetTerm([string]$siteUrl, [Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy.TaxonomyField]$oField, [string]$termStr)
Write-Host "[ERROR] $($oField.Title) IsTermSetValid is FALSE"
return $null;
$taxonomySession = Get-SPTaxonomySession -Site $siteUrl;
if(($taxonomySession -eq $null) -or ($taxonomySession -eq $null))
Write-Host "[ERROR] Taxonomy Session is null, Metadata Service App Proxy default storage location for column specific term sets is CHECKED and the user account has access"
return $null
$oTermStore = $taxonomySession.DefaultSiteCollectionTermStore;
if($oTermStore -eq $null)
$oTermStore = $taxonomySession.TermStores[0];
if($oTermStore -eq $null)
Write-Host "[ERROR] Unable to get a valid Term Store.`nEnsure $(whoami) is a Term Store administrator.`nEnsure the Managed Metadata Service Proxy property 'This service application is the default storage location for column specific term sets.' is checked." Red
$oTermSet = $oTermStore.GetTermSet($oField.TermSetId);
[System.Guid]$gTermId = $oField.AnchorId;
[int]$LCID = 1033;
if(($gTermId.ToString() -eq "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000") -or ($gTermId -eq $null))
$oTerm = $oTermSet.GetTerms($termStr, $LCID, $true)[0];
if($oTerm -eq $null)
Write-Host "[ERROR] Term value: $termStr not found in TermSet $($oTermSet.Name)" Red
$oAnchorTerm = $oTermSet.GetTerm($gTermId);
$oTerm = $oAnchorTerm.Terms[$termStr];
if($oTerm -eq $null)
Write-Host "[ERROR] Term value: $termStr not found in $($oTermSet.Name);$($oAnchorTerm.GetPath())" Red
return $oTerm
Below is an example of how to use the function and the returned Term object to set the default value for a field.
$oField = $oWeb.Fields.GetField("Document Type")
$oTerm = GetTerm $oWeb.Site.Url $oField "Proposal"
if($oTerm -ne $null)
$taxonomyValue = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy.TaxonomyFieldValue($oField);
$taxonomyValue.TermGuid = $oTerm.Id.ToString();
$taxonomyValue.Label = $oTerm.Name;
$oField.DefaultValue = $taxonomyValue.ValidatedString;
$oField.PushChangesToLists = $true
Write-Host "Setting Default Value $($oField.TypeAsString):$($oField.Title) : '$($taxonomyValue.ValidatedString)'" Yellow
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