The My Site of [USER] is scheduled for deletion.
The My Site of [USER] is scheduled for deletion in 3 days. As their manager you are now the temporary owner of their site. This temporary ownership gives you access to the site to copy any business-related information you might need. To access the site use this URL: http://mysites/personal/[USER]
- User profile deleted
- User profile re-imported
- User profile has its Personal site property missing
When it finds a My Site without a user profile association it adds the site to the dbo.MySiteDeletionStatus table in the Profile DB.
- Ensure the User Profile has the site associated with his account The following query will give you profiles with a My Site.
- Delete the MySiteDeletionStatus record.
This table has a NotificationStatus column with values 1-3 calculated based on the Created column.
1 = 14 days til deletion email, 2 = 3 days til deletion and 3 = 1 day til deletion.
This last step is the only crucial one.
SELECT PropertyVal, p.* FROM dbo.UserProfileValue v inner join dbo.UserProfile_Full p on p.RecordID=v.RecordID where PropertyID=22 and PropertyVal is not null
If the account isn't there you need to go to: Central Administration > Manage User Profiles and add the URL to the Personal site property.
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