Session "OfficeSearch14HealthSession" failed to start with the following error: 0xC0000035
Search Health Monitoring - Trace Events job can't access a Health Monitoring resource.
The offending class is
Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Monitoring.TraceDiagnosticsProvider this job is run every minute and if it conflicts with another job accessing the same resource it will fail.
The following PS command will return Jobs scheduled to run < every 5 minutes:
Get-SPTimerJob | Where {$_.IsDisabled -eq $FALSE -and $_.Schedule.Description -eq "Minutes" -and $_.Schedule.Interval -lt "5"} | Foreach-Object{$_.PSObject.Properties | Select-Object Name,Value;}
Changed the Search Health Monitoring - Trace Events job schedule to every 2 minutes, if you really want to have clean logs.
Update: I'm working on the fix but it seems related to current SP log file.