
Unable to connect publishing blob caching.

01/27/2009 16:23:40.23
w3wp.exe (0x0114)
Publishing Cache
Unable to connect publishing blob caching. Web.Config is not set up correctly. Cache is not valid. WebId is '1303494830', Url is 'http://vmmossdev:8088/_themes/myTheme/viewheadergrad_mt.gif'.

You may see the above warning in your event log, if the "BlobCache" configsection is declared without been defined... well I did, and I google and could find a single valid explanation.

The Fix: Just add a node in the node like...

<BlobCache location="C:\blobCache" path="\.(gif|jpg|png|css|js)$" maxSize="10" enabled="false" />


Visual Studio 2008 extensions for SharePoint 1.3 Jan 2009 CTP

So here I was checking to see if there was a new VS Extentions for WSS, and Google revealed a link to: VSeWSS 1.3 and now with x64 support... woohoo.

Yeah what ever, my life is sad... but it helps us all along the way to an x86 free world.

SharePoint solution Generator - MaxStringContentLength error

The formatter threw an exception while trying to deserialize the message: There was an error while trying to deserialize parameter http://tempuri.org/:GetSiteTemplateExportFilesResult. The InnerException message was 'There was an error deserializing the object of type Microsoft.SharePoint.Tools.SPServiceReference.ExportFilesResponse. The maximum string content length quota (819200) has been exceeded while reading XML data...

The Fix: Go to> Programs(x86)\Microsoft SharePoint Developer Tools 9.0\ssg 1.3\SPSolGen.exe.config

Multiply all the max values by 4 eg: maxStringContentLength="32768" ,maxArrayLength="65536", maxBytesPerRead="16384", maxNameTableCharCount="65536"